Thursday, June 28, 2012

There He Also...

News to the wind to fly a wound,the symmetric fingers full of tears.It's not just about everything,This story of an unoccupied seruang liver,about love that can not fill,about an uncertain promise.Longing to a roaring wind,devastatingly flow in both small shed my petals,the sound that frames the song,I was dumb and chose to pass

I already turn off your chest feel warm all the time remember, I roll each row of an honest desire constantly try to be present on the surface of each puzzle pieces I found your story and me.

I already turn off your chest feel warm all the time remember, I roll each row of an honest desire constantly try to be present on the surface of each puzzle pieces I found your story and me.
5 years ago. I still remember that time when you are trying to attract attention. Same thing with the other feels. I got lazy with no explanation to you that. Coupled with your friends that you promote me. At school, dikantin, anywhere. Ah ... I feel lazy.And kemalasanku is your source. Adhi name. He was friends classmates, but our other classes. After a long time I know Adhi, Adhi was a good kid and attention. Kemalasanku him slowly disappear slowly. And I'm more comfortable with Adhi. I do not know what I think, but really I never meant to play with his feelings. Until one night I asked this on a whim Adhi."Dhi ... bener not my friends?" I said"What ya nggi? Indeed, my friends say to you? "Said Adhi curious."They say that you love.""Like it?""I do.""Yeah, they really nggi. I like Anggi. Anggi how? "Jleb. I was shocked. I can not say anything. I do not think he would say that. For some reason, I'm not happy. I'm afraid. I'm worried about my feelings to him. True feelings. And, maybe Adhi and I'll forget something. There he was, too. He who had always been my love. Crowbar. How can one be able to make double Puput Adhi. No, I would never double Puput. But, I'm comfortable with Adhi."Nggi, why silent?" He interrupted my thoughts."I'm sorry Dhi, I love Puput.""But why nggi? Why did you give me hope? ""Dhi Sorry, I can not with you.""Why are you I hope you like it? As with nggi you want? ""Come on ... you excessive Dhi"I went from the front of Adhi.
I'm sorry Dhi, I never screw, and I can not lie to me. I love Puput, and I love you.Maybe my love to you only as a friend. Do you remember, I once promised you would want with you if it is no longer with Puput. But I cancel it, because I realized, I was one close to you. Maybe I'm evil like that give you hope.
I cried ... why can you, really, YOU ... But this is not you cry, cry for me. Maybe you can not stand it sore, you should go. Or I go. I have to say this to you but you said "I do not know when it will be touched and tersapa. These souls will never be tired to wait. I do not know will be in vain. And if in vain, at least sapamu had stopped. Although you desire will not come back. But, taukah you? Hope it will never end. "I heard him cry ..."Do not go yet, because I want you here, accompany this sad, because I'm sure you'd like." I said."Go not my goal. I go for sincerity. "You said.

THE END, without end ...:-D ... I don't know just GJ story.

salty person

why the person should always be exiled salty?

and why the foreigner should always be made ​​salty again?

yes, we know ...

We're just the salty person

sea​​, wind and fish the fish are our friends

madura, 29-09-2010

It is Time For Love

It is time for me
Love came to me
Why should I hesitate
Life is too short

We'll never tawu
If our time's expired
And when the time comes t'lah
Until the past present

You .....
You always remain my heart

Stars adorn the night
As our love story
Our times together
No way could I forget

I will still take care of you every time there ....
And I can hold my tears .... :)

Creation : Nindya Yuniastika Putri

Still stronger with distance? I hope not

Distance for me is a big hammer for a relationship. Barrier and vandals! But now ........ everything changed.

December 25, 2011
"Water?" I offer a bottle of mineral water labeled with what I bought at a price of 5000 dollars, it's pretty expensive for a medium sized bottle. But yes, it's Soekarno Hatta airport, where all become expensive, if a bottle of mineral water could be so expensive, let alone the price of a meeting.

Arie did not say anything, just take the water which I handed, open it slowly, but quite strong, visible from a prominent vein on the back of his hand it slightly brown-skinned. Sipped it slowly, then returned it to me.

Me and Arie,
we were not able to describe what is going on between us, but one thing is sure that I know, I love a man who was standing in front of me this. Restless as if waiting for something, looking at many times in his right hand. Or see a large LCD screen near where he stood.

Arie is always confusion every time I puzzled why he always wore at the right hand. Arie who often call me in the morning when the day started slowly just to chat, then I fell asleep without hearing again what Arie say.

I love this man, the man who since an hour ago to check her cell phone, asked his father guard the airport terminal, asked after the aircraft had targeted. I can not do much, just offering mineral water, and gently tapped her shoulder to remind him to always be patient.

Reminded the meeting that the meaning of expensive.

"So, already getting used to the same distance?" I opened the discussion and vote amid noisy airport luggage bags are encouraged to sit back down around us. Arie just dreamy and slightly raised his eyebrows, looked at the clock back on his right hand and checking his black cell phone, then put back into my jacket pocket to buy a birthday gift a year ago. A brown jacket, which I bought with my savings alone, he received with happy face and laughter that shows a neat row of teeth while the gums begin to brown because smoking does not know the time.

"Not know, get used to it .. if you miss Kan nelpon or skype still be right?"
"Sure miss can be cured simply by talking via technology?" I smiled mischievously as he gave the code to move the seat to a more conducive. Kehingaran airport makes me unable to enjoy the soft voice and gentle tone, and slowly coming out of the mouth of a Arie. Again Arie just raised an eyebrow. Equate steps with me and stopped at a coffee shop on the corner of the terminal.

"I'm still not sure, Mbem .." Arie called "Mbem", led her round cheek to call me so, I never complain, I feel safe calling it in its mouth. I enjoyed it. "We can watch as far as what is it? Emang would you have predicted to what extent? Distance should not be a problem anyway, as long as two people trust each other and have the same goal right?"

I drank my cup of coffee, offering the rest to Arie. He was the coffee cup away from his reach, as if thinking is very heavy on the meaning of a rare meeting and parting that would be best friends. Arie is not usually offered coffee refuse, scratches on his forehead as if to say that there is a running head.

"Believe wrote Mpengg, if emang mate will ga ga where .. If you do not believe it lived .. The relationship takes the readiness of both sides, if only you or your partner are ready, will not be the way .. Believe it wrote, that we are already born into the world with his line of each. You just have to run it yourself the best you wrote, good will follow you .. "

"I'm serious about this relationship, Mbem .."
"Yes, if you seriously live aja, Mpengg memeberatkan .. What else are you? Distance? Just 4 years Arie .. Once finished master, lived marriage .."
Arie laughed a bitter, defeated by the argument, Arie eventually drank my coffee offer. Then take a glass of coffee and mocha menoyor head. I really like this and Arie, spend time together since we were sitting in school until we are old. Arie taught me about love, Arie are often scolded for staying in a relationship long distance. Arie who accompanied my night, I fill the lonely Arie. We really complement it ..

"You never mind at a distance, Mbem?"
"I? .. For what distance is only an issue if you love and trust is not too strong, Mpengg .. Hehe. Loss thinking about aggravating things, the patterns of thought so messy. D better thinkers fortunately, at least there are people waiting and waiting for us, rather than thinking about when I can stand this place anymore to wait for it? " my mind began to chaotic, and I know that I'm lying.
"Yeah .."
"Relax, Arie .. Everything will be fine. Put your faith, Distance is not for the Fearful, it is for the bold. It's for Those WHO are willing to spend a lot of time alone in exchange for a little time with the one They love. It's for Those knowing a good thing when They see it, even if They Do not see it nearly enough ... "
I hold hands Arie, reinforcing it by strengthening my grip on his hand.

Arie re-look at the clock,
"I should have time .."
"Patience .. Enjoy it while we had coffee there is still time .."

I sip my coffee is still warm, and began removing my Blackberry to mengecheck Timeline Twitter. Arie is still busy with his cell phone, type a message that seemed important to him. Bowler's eyes look to and fro, whether what is sought. Possible opportunity, perhaps the time, maybe the power .. or perhaps hope.
I tried to look calm, strengthen it again with a light patting his shoulder. Let him move his feet to the foot of the table, although it is actually rather mengangguku for my coffee to be moved and a little spill. Arie is like that, his legs can not be programmed for silent, especially at a time when he was waiting for something.

I still enjoy a coffee and Twitter timeline notice when I heard this international airport. With me and Arie rushed it all out. And put HP, pay what is ordered and toward the goal where we went to the airport.

Arie stood, I was speechless.
Arie looked away from me, as if searching for something. I'm more quiet.


From the distance, even without glasses, I could see the figure above tergelung haired woman. Wearing a pink sweater that fits exactly fall in body. With hair that covers the child's neck. Push cart contains 2 large suitcases and a brown teddy bear. I'm still amazed by her beautiful, red lips and a cheery smile as he cried ...

"Arie! Ellena!"

Yes she was up to us, hugged tightly as Arie. I can see clearly how Arie closed her eyes as if to enjoy all the arms that have not felt in almost 6 months. I also can see clearly the smiles that are formed from the remains of red lips without lipstick perfect, even after taking many hours traveling Australia - Indonesia.

The woman kissed my cheek, and again embraced Arie.

"Ayuk, Len .." She said, giving the code for me, he and Arie leave this place. I nodded and grinned.

I walked behind them who can not let go of each hand. I'm used to seem. My heart is dying, and probably will be dead. And when we arrived at the departure gate, perpisahanpun come. I sobbed, clutching her body seemed to not want to lose. Lord, for this one, I'm not lying.

Then, they go. Lost in the density of the airport.

I turned around, heading for the corner coffee shop in the terminal. Message me another cup of coffee, brewed and my my drink slowly, this time .. without Arie ..

Creation : Nafila Zain

About Rain... About Us...

I loved her. The man who has held me in the rain that came with the departure of a flock of birds from the trees Flamboyant church, a place where me and Pandu shelter now. Shelter in the shade of a tree can not promise Flamboyant wardrobe and clothes stay dry Pandu, the rush of the increasingly heavy rain managed to slip in among the green leaves form a compound tightly managed wet suits and T-shirt and blue long pants color tosca mini mine. I felt the warm embrace of the increasingly close Pandu, made me a little hard to breathe. Slowly I began to take off his arms and leaned against the changing position of a Scout's burly shoulders.

My eyes moved to pay attention to mothers and children across the street, not far from where I was and Pandu now. From a distance looks right hand fingers of the hand she was clutching a small child I thought 6-year-old with red and white uniform in body still attached. Rona woman's face can not lie, how he was so tired. Part of the robe that he wore too, were convinced that he had long been under a rainbow umbrella clutched in his left hand. I think the boy did not come home for hours, to make her worry.

Two hours passed, no sign of rain would subside. I turned back to the Scout, his hands still busy pressing his hand-held mobile phone keypad. Perhaps it is sending an important message, may also just want to look busy in the rain who knows when to stop down or maybe he was embarrassed waiting for the rain to stop.

"Until when are we going to take shelter here?" I asked trying to break the ice is getting quiet. This body too, has failed to fight the cold rain.
"Until the rain subsides." He said, with hands still busy pressing his white cell phone keypad.

"I think it's rain did not subside."

"I also think so."

"We'd better go home. I'm getting tired of waiting for this rain to go. "

"Are you sure you are ready to fight with the rain?"


Pandu was silent again. Inserting a handphone in his pocket some moisture. Passed from the front and turn on his Ninja motorcycle engine. I immediately go up, without waiting for the signal coming out of his mouth. Fight with the rain, through the ins and outs of the town of Bogor. The farther left the flamboyant. But increasingly strong rain followed our steps.

I'm one of ombrophobia or phobia of rain. There are a thousand reasons why I was so scared when confronted with the rain. Only when I am with Pandu, I felt I could control the rain. For me it is raining Pandu.

Waveguides are used menelfonku late at night, just to see if I was asleep. Waveguides that could not deal with egg noodles and chicken, which he suffered because of allergies. Waveguides that always comfort me when it rains with funny stories that I think it's not funny. And Pandu, the man who is very kucinta.

Four years together, and so far we can always reduce the conflict that sometimes come without being invited. Jealousy and longing is a big hammer that I often carry us to the endless misunderstandings and quarrels. But it will not last long, a day is enough to restore a smile on my face and Pandu. We are unobstructed distance, but distance never prevents the bond of love between us. The distance is only able to separate our bodies, but our hearts were always close.


I still do not believe that now he is gone. I still think there is. Because he was there and always will be. Yes, there are on every night in my dreams, in dreams and imagination, there is at every step of the increasingly fragile, and always in conversation with God.

Hit me that he was long gone ..
"Do not be afraid of the rain, ndah. When rain falls remember how we, remember how I was. Because if the next rains come, I'm no longer at your side. "Pandu open discussion among the night's stars through mobile phones. Me and Pandu was used like this, because it eliminates distance longing to talk to each other via mobile phones when everyone was asleep.

"Why? What is wrong with me? "This time the voice softly unable to get rid of all my desire.

"There's nothing wrong with you or our relationship. Only time and the circumstances that forced me to leave you. "

"Should, ndu?"

"Sorry, ndah ..."

"If so, I can not do much. I can not hold you to go. Although I must admit I still love you. But never mind, maybe this is the best way for our lives. "My voice was a hoarse choking back tears who had been to fall.

"Stay strong and live life serealitas maybe even without me. I'm sure you can, ndah. Here though far my prayers will always be with you. "

"Will you forget me, ndu?"

"Four years is not a short time ndah. I could not forget that. "

"So, what you'll find my successor?"

"Maybe. I can not promise to remain faithful to keep our former love. "

"Before she came, may I ask one thing?"

"Sure .."

"Can we meet for the last time?"

"Last time? We can still see, though I have belonged to someone else. "

"No ndu. When one day you have been owned by someone else, please do not come see me again. Do not give me much hope. "

"It's late at night. I must break you too. "I said: then and immediately press the red keypad in handphoneku without waiting for a reply from Pandu. I can not afford to continue this conversation. My heart is sick and may die.

Chance of darkness still covered the city of Bogor and maybe a few moments of rain will follow an increasingly burst into tears since two hours ago I closed the telephone of Pandu. The wind was blowing quite strong in January and will soon be gone, replaced by water droplets. I do not believe in the light of the moon up there, I'm not sure on the glowing star in the night gulitanya. I never believed they were able to resist the fury of heaven and the coming of rain today. Like me who never believed in my side went without Pandu.

There's nothing else left for me, but I carried wounds that will run to run.

Pandu woman's hand tightly, such as would not let go. Long-haired woman loose curls neatly. I was so amazed to see a floral mini dress and a fitted orange cardigan falls in exquisite body. He is not bad for a woman standing next to a painter handal.Harusnya me. No. I think it is more appropriate.

I never knew before, that seen with a woman I would not hurt this. More pain than when he ignored me because I was busy with the world of painting that he wrestled since two years ago. More pain than the pain of missing far away as joint first. More pain than the pain when he decided to end his relationship with me.

But I can not do much, other than watching their romance from the corner of the marble-floored room somehow feels so hot. He has not healed the wound scratch since 49 days ago decided to end this relationship, I can not understand why this woman as fast as it comes to shift my position in the hearts of Pandu.

Lord, for this time I really can not afford ..
I stood still, when it rains again flushed the city of Bogor. It seems I have gotten used to the rain, until there was nothing to fear me. Because every raindrop that falls are my memories with Pandu. The rain that brings Scout to me, though now the rain was able to bring it back Pandu. The rain is me and Pandu.

My legs were signaled to walk out through the crowd of rain. Passing away of the painting exhibition visitors ever make my heart to overflowing.

I'm back in the rain and this time without Pandu ...

I requested a piece of the Lord
God ..
May this day I ask thee again?
Can I continue to miss him?
Can I still hope that he come back?
Can I continue to keep memories of debris that may have been he throw?
May I still love her till later?

I never asked him to come back, God.
But if you let me, can I have it once again.
For today only, give me an hour
I just feel tired of holding this desire.
I promise, it will take him back after he told her.

What are you afraid I'll make him fall in love with me again?
That will not happen, believe me ..
I will not take anything from him, because there's nothing that I can take it
I'm not going to change things, would he have let her
I promise. I promise ..
You believe me, God?
Please let me have it once again
Again, for the last time ..

Survived by poignant and melancholy heart, I guess I can not ..

There is still hope in a million souls, the hope that he returns, he hopes to fill a void in the heart.

Stupid does, expect a man who never miss me, even to remember who I am ..

But to simply remove his name in my memory, was so difficult.

Especially if I have to exhaust all about love, all the memories, all about me and him earlier.
Perhaps this body and soul to be separate, then I really can forget about him ..

A letter to Pandu ..

How are you, love?
I was so sure you'll be fine, although I'm no longer at your side.
Are you worried about? I'm fine, love. Really. I still have a smile as sweet as when we are together. And I'm no longer afraid of the rain. I have gotten used to all this. Accustomed to the hearts of the increasingly gaping wound. Although sometimes I forget, that now you're not "love" me anymore. I lie awake at midnight, to check whether there handphoneku missed call from you or stepping out of the house when it rains, hope you're standing there. But again I forgot that you were now gone. Really gone.
Miss you! That's for sure. But you need not worry, I will not disturb your life. Do I let you be happy to have her. I will remain here, waiting for you in a false, letting the flavors continue to be volatile despite kurelakan my heart hurt. You need not ignore this desire, which swelled increasingly erratic. Simply you smiled at me and show me that you're okay. I have been sincere, very sincere merelakanmu even go with him, though not able to wounded hearts kupingkiri that are inflamed. But never mind, this is the path God has for us ...
To just you know Pandu. I'm leaving soon, very, very much. Untouched until a grain of dust. So if one day you meet someone who looks like me. Remember it's not me, not beautiful. Because after this I will kill and let die Beautiful. It is not better? Instead I let the tears dry up.

Check with the rain, then you'll find out. . .
January 31, 2012

Creation : Imroatul Fithriyah
Monday, June 18, 2012

Menembus Hati Citra

Aku duduk bersandar dan aku merasa lemah sekali…., dan tidak tahu lagi harus berbuat apa untuk membuktikan sebuah angan yang menjadi beban dalam kebisingan otakku, aku tak tahu lagi bagaimana aku membuktikan apa yang kurasa pada dirimu, dirimu bagaikan batu yang harus kutembus dengan tetesan air sedikit demi sedikit,….. dan akankan dirimu mampu menerimaku apa adanya…… ?
Aku? Siapakah aku? Aku hanya anak dari tukang pijat keliling yang penghasilannya 20.000 rupiah seharinya. Itupun jika ada. Jika tidak. Bisa-bisa kami sekeluarga tidak makan seharian. Kerjakupun hanya sebagai kuli angkut. Sedangakn dirinya, dia adalah ribuan warna dalam indahnya pelangi bagiku.Citra. Anak pengusaha kaya di kota ini. Cantik, jelita dan anggun. dan tak terbersit kekurangan darinya. Mungkin aku hanya bermimpi untuk mendapatkan cintanya. Aku yang sedari SMP menmendam rasa padanya. Hanya mampu menyimpan saja. Aku tak berani mengungkapkan. Aku kalah oleh rasa takut. Takut ditolak olehmu. Dan akhirnya. Aku hanya menyimpan rasaku sampai saat ini.
Saat SMA, kami pernah sekali sekelas. Namun, aku tetap tak berani mengatakan rasaku pada Citra. Sesekali aku senang bisa sekelompok dengannya. Bahkan aku kegirangan saat bisa kerumahnya untuk mengerjakan tugas Bahasa Indonesia. Ketika itu aku bertemu dengan Mama dan Papanya. Aku memabayangkan melamar Citra pada mama dan papanya. Tapi siapakah aku yang berani-beraninya bermimpi setinggi itu. Ah… Mencintaimu pastilah sulit bagiku. Karena aku hanyalah pungguk yang merindukan bulan. Bagaimana kata orang tuamu nanti, jika aku benar melamarmu. Mereka pasti meremehkan aku. Mereka menganggap harta yang paling penting.
Namun kali ini berbeda. Aku dengar bahwa Citra akan dilamar oleh Fahri. Sahabatku. Namun nasib Fahri jauh lebih beruntung dibandingkan denganku. Dia menjadi guru di salah satu sekolah ternama di kotaku. Dan aku, masih setia memikul karung-karung beras di pundakku.
Ah… Andaikan saja mencintaimu tidak memandang harta sebagai yang terpenting. Akan aku buktikan cintaku dengan berapa banyak karung beras yang sudah kupikul seharian ini. Aku bisa memikul 3 truk penuh karung beras tanpa istirahat. Hanya untuk Citra.
Tapi jika sudah begini, aku tak tau harus berbuat apa. Citra akan dilamar oleh Fahri. Ah...
“Resa… melamun saja kamu. Dengar-dengar, Citra akan dilamar oleh Fahri?” Teguran Pak Paijo membuyarkan lamunanku.
“Eh. Iya pak. Tak taulah aku  harus bagaimana.”Jawabku sekenaya.
“Lamar dia saja duluan Sa. Tentu kamu punya uang tabunganmu untuk Citra itu kan? Yang tempo hari kau ceritakan padaku itu.” Kata pak Paijo.
“Benar juga Pak. Tapi aku tak yakin jika begini pak.”
“Sudahlah, aku mendukungku Sa.”
            Tapi akhirnya aku nekat juga. Pagi itu aku nekat kerumah Citra untuk melamarnya. Aku telah menghabiskan seluruh uang tabunganku untuk membelikan Citra cincin. 300.000 tabungnku, tak tersisa lagi. Padahal bapak sedang sakit dirumah. Tapi aku sudah nekat dan tak mau kehilangan Citra.
Pagi itu aku meminjam pakaian milik bapak. Bapak bilang ini baju bapak waktu pulang melamar emak dulu. Kemeja putih yang usang, yang jika dilihat lagi sudah berupa seonggok kain lap putih yang sengaja masih disimpan rapi oleh pemiliknya. Celanapun juga sudah butut. Aku tak punya pilihan lain lagli. Terpaksa aku memakainya. Dan sesesgera mungkin menuju rumah Citra.
Sesampainya disana aku melihat mobil Fahri.
Hatiku langsung mencelos melihatnya. Aku berniat langsung pulang. Tapi Citra melihatku, lalu memanggilku untuk sekedar mampir menjadi saksi lamaran Fahri pada Citra. Sesampainya didalam ternyata kedua keluarga ini sudah merencanakan tentang pernikahan mereka berdua. Aku dipandang rendah oleh mereka, tentu karena bajuku. Lemas aku rasanya. Aku hanya diam, terluka sendiri. Namun sungguh aku tak sanggup berbesar hati. Menerima kecewa dalam pikiran sunyi. Kakiku lemas. Mataku panas. Lidahku kelu. Ingin aku bunuh Fahri dan mencabiknya. Karena dia telah merebut Citra dariku. Aku bagaikan
tertelan ribuan warna dalam indahnya pelangiku, pelangiku Citra.
Sepulangnya dari rumah Citra, aku berjalan terhuyung. Cemoohan itu, lamaran Fahri. ah…
Aku sudah tak ada harapan lagi bersama Citra. Jangankan hanya untuk bersama, untuk mengungkap rasa saja tidak tercapai.
Sesampai dirumah kuambil pisau berkarat. Ku iris-iris pergelangan tanganku. Sakit, perih, sedetik kemudian aku tersungkur ke tanah. Darah kian mengucur deras. Beberapa menit berlalu, Namun aku tak kunjung menghembuskan nafas terakhirku. Apa karena pisau orang miskin ini? Pisau berkarat milik emak. Ah… akhirnya aku ambil garpu. Aku tusuk-tusukkan pada pergelanganku tadi.  Seperih rasa cintaku pada Citra. Sesakit cemoohan mereka yang tadi kurasakan. Setelah lemas. Aku pasrah. Mungkin juga aku sudah siap menghadapi liang tanpa celah, dengan Tanya marrobbuka malaikat sang pencipta. Yang kupikir sekarang Citra, Citra, dan Citra.
Tak tau berapa lama aku terbaring. Namun rasaku tak memakai apa-apa. Baju seba putihku, dan tali simpul diatas kepalaku. Lantunan yasin. Dan rasa perih. Aku sontak ketakutan, aku berteriak. Bangun dari tempat tidurku. Orang-orangpun berlarian dari rumah. Hanya tersisa Bapak dan Pak Paijo. Yang sedetik kemudian pak Paijo pingsan.
Aku mati suri. Namun yang aku pikirkan sekarang hanyalah Citra, Citra dan Citra.

Karya: Kurnia Siptana

Foto-Foto Cantik dan Terbaru Yuri SNSD



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